Sunday, November 30, 2008

Beads, Key Chains and more Beads

I have been gearing up for my next craft fair on December 13th. I have been making lots of cute ear rings. This is something I have never made before but I must admit they are easier to make then I thought and a lot of fun. Does anyone need some cute lampwork beaded ear rings? I can do any color too…………almost.

I was planning on making more beads today, but my pyrometer isn't working. I thought maybe it was the battery again, but after putting another new one in it still didn’t work. (Reminds me……dig old/new battery out of trash) “The Man” took it apart and found that one of the solder points has broken off. It might have been like that from the beginning; it has always been touchy and would shut down with the slightest movement of the cord. Thank goodness “The Man” is very handy with things like that… to love “The Man”!

In celebration of my pyrometer working I ordered more glass today. (Like I need an excuse) lol I love to get new glass rods. It always inspires me to get out there and try new combinations of designs for my beads. I have an order for more 5 bead sets, this time in spring colors……….my favorite! The brighter the better as far as I am concerned.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cat Prince of Shannon

I know some of you will groan and moan about this posting, mostly the kids. After all my man and kids and grandkids are my first love. But.....since they are not here and I can do almost anything to this cat, I have to share some pictures with the world. Enjoy............

p.s. If anyone would like to order one of these very special and beautiful necklaces for your kitty.....just e me.

Turkey day and Visits

One holiday down, one more to go. We had a very small gathering for Thanksgiving, actually it was on Wednesday because everyone had prior commitments. We had the usual food, plus a couple of added dishes. One a spinach salad that was very good and a very lemony pie. All of it was very good and of course I ate too much.

The house is quiet.....too quiet, well...... except for the hacking, sniffing and snorting man in the other room. Our grandson Jack went home with his parents. boo hoo I had so much fun with him here. There was always a new and exciting "thing" he discovered and wanted to share it with me. He would always start his words with...."hey Grammy, do you want to see something". I would follow his voice and go to where he is standing over that "something". It could be anything from a dust bunny that is skipping across the floor to a spider with 7 legs. Its amazing his intense fascination in the simple things, but....I guess that's what its like to be 4.

Later in the day Earl and his daughter Maisy came over for a little visit. Maisy is always very cheerful and ready to play the driving game with her Grammy. We both sit on the couch and she holds the mickey mouse steering wheel toy, trying to drive very fast and I do believe hit everything possible. lol She will say, "oops....I hit that, on no.......I just raned over him". They she looks at me with a huge smile on her face. She is so sweet.

We are going out to lunch today. Its this little hole in the wall place that has the BEST Japanese food in town. They treat us like special guests and the food is always very fresh and very tasty. Hopefully when we get back and I get in some torch time.

Monday, November 24, 2008

grandson and lots of fun, but no beading for grammy

My grandson Jack, age 4, is here for a few days. The house is so loud and constantly bouncing with his activity. Roger, our beagle, is always so happy to see Jack, at least for the first 30 minutes. Roger is now hiding under my computer desk as Jack makes laps around the house hunting for him. He stops on each lap around......asking......"have you seen Roger". Knowing the poor dog is trembling just inches away......trying not to move or breath too loud........I feel sorry for him and tell Jack "no.....maybe he is in the other room". Off Jack goes in a blur of speed, running at top speed to catch the dog who is obviously running ahead of him, just around the corner and out of sight. I scratch my head....."making a note to myself, no cereal with sugar flakes on it, next time".

My time will be spent making necklaces and ear rings instead of behind the torch. oh well, I need to gear up for the craft fair in December anyway. I am attempting to make ear rings, those tiny little things that my big man fingers hate. I have my dads wonderful hands. They are very useful for gripping a volleyball, one handed, I always have a good grip on a shovel, Or even arm wrestling. But to use them for tiny, very delicate work, its a challenge. I must say though, I have managed to make 20 pairs of ear rings. And even though they are not exactly my style, they are cute. HA...success.

oh oh.......Roger is under the desk again, did I just hear a whimper? From the other room I hear little foot steps coming this way, fast and determined foot steps. Got to go...........

Friday, November 21, 2008

pass word hell

I like to take pride in myself for being able to navigate the internet with ease and knowledge. There are days when that attitude is just a random wishful thought. Take today for intense……….. I tried to check to see if my check has been cashed for the up and coming craft fair on Dec. 13. It has been over two months since I signed into my online account, so I had difficulty remembering the pass word and screen name. My bank is a small town local branch that only gives a person 3 chances to sign in, after that you are then locked out until the bank opens. My first try was just quick, without thinking, without really trying to type or spell correctly, in my defense……it was 6 am and I hadn’t had my entire cup of coffee yet. On my second attempt I promised myself to take my time and do it right………..(with the dreaded lock out looming in the back of my mind)…….I slowly typed in my screen name, my password and then hit next. I really didn’t expect any road blocks; I had taken my time this second time and made sure to type slow and correctly. Ha Was I wrong, I was taken to another window that asked “what is my favorite sports team”. WTF? I was thrown, I hate watching sports, I do not have a favorite sports team, and I would never ever put one down as my “secret challenge question”. At this point, I check to make sure I am on the right bank account to sign in…………because surely my bank would know this is a question I would never answer. Nope………right bank, right window, but wrong question. I try to reverse the direction it was painfully coming to……….but no…………. my third and final attempt failed badly.

Now I sit………fingers twitching, too much coffee, to many unanswered questions, locked out of my account and still………no closer then I was when I first got up this morning.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

etsy promotion

For the few who do not know, I have two etsy shops online. I sell my beads and jewelry. So......feel free to buy anything and everything. Sales are a good thing.
Ok, so I am new to this, so try not to be too critical. The weather is finally turning towards winter. Its seems like its been a long summer and I am looking forward to the cold, I am not sure my joints are though.

I went into my sisters yesterday. She took me to a very special place to have "tea". I have never seen anything like this before. It was right out of a english novel, tea, triangle sandwiches, scones, lots of great conversation and pretty doilies. I felt very honored to have been included in this very special place. After our lunch we went to this incredible rock/gem store. I felt like I was home, the owners are so nice. They made me feel like I have known them for years. They were excited to see some of my beads and we talked about rock and gem hunting. I look forward to going back to see them. They have a rock and gem fair coming up..........I must mark my calendar and try to get into see them.

I am almost done with my holiday shopping, other then foods that is. I think we are keeping it very simple and quiet this year. We don't have any real plans for the 25th, but I am sure our kids will let us know what our plans are. lol I look forward to seeing all of them

I guess its time to go make some beads.......................