I started my water aerobics class today at the local Gold’s gym. They have a fantastic indoor pool and it’s actually heated to the perfect temp…..at least for me. I have to admit it……….. I was a little intimidated at first, mostly from walking into the place and past all those beautiful people……NOT ha Once I got to the pool area and saw that the people in the pool were just like me......I relaxed. The water felt so good and very inviting. Once the exercise started I was a bit surprised to feel how much my knees hated the activity. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have any pain since I was weightless........but I guess not. (I hope in a year or two I can get those bad boys replaced).
But……..back to the pool………….. I never noticed how much my bathing suit likes to scoop up the water while I jog in place. I used to work out at the other pool with nothing but women, so it never was an issue, but at this new gym………..well………. I was jogging to the music, which was the perfect beat to get my heart rate up and work my ass off. Up and down, up and down I go in the water; I could feel the water swooshing in the front…….but forgot about that because I was having so much fun. I didn’t notice how much swoosh was going on until one of the older dudes was staring at me…….......well………..not me………but my girls!!! They were bobbing up and down like buoys in the ocean. I looked down myself and realized the “girls” were very close to escaping the bathing suit……..eeeeek…….. I quickly turned around and pulled up as best as I could to get the girls seated back where they belong. Despite the quick fix, I noticed that the same old man took every opportunity to check to see if my boobs were bobbing for freedom.
So tonight I will see if I can shorten the leashes on the girls and tighten everyone up. Wish me luck……………………..
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6 years ago
Haha funny story!! Boobs are always trying to escape when the owner's not looking!!
HA, Mine for some reason just want to be let freeeeeeeeee. I tightened up the "ship" so to speak. I am keeping my fingers crossed that no one will want to jump over board this time. ha
AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! That is sooooo funny, I can just see it (them?). The dirty ole' coot...hahahaha
Sista V
oh cool, I didn't knoo you were doing water aerobics! my parents go to golds downtown, but never the water stuff.
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