After buying all kinds of furniture “The Man” and I decided to stop buying cheep crap and buy something that will last for years. We searched online and hunted in all the local furniture stores. What is the deal? Why are there so many sectionals, massive couches with a captain’s seat in the middle, and bubble like stuffing that makes them look like they are comfortable to sit on? NOT. You sit on these things and it feels like you are riding a camel. Not only are they hideous and uncomfortable, but they would never fit in our tv room, and they are also way over priced.
About that time a Lazyboy ad came in the mail. Hmmmm Lazyboy furniture?? They have always had good quality and reliable furniture. “The Man” and I decide to go to the Sacramento store to check them out. We find just what we want and need. They have a great couch in leather, its way more then we expected to pay, but you get what you pay for, right? We pay for it and now have to wait for 2 ½ months while it’s being built. Ok, it’s a long wait……..but I can deal with that. So two and half months slide by very slowly……….and I find a guy to haul off the old piece of crap. I can’t wait……. knowing my beautiful "once in a life time couch" is coming the next day.
I jump for the phone each time it rings, knowing it will be the couch people asking me what time to deliver it.
The phone rings……..
IT’S THEM, IT’S THEM ……..but…………wait…………what??… what’s this I hear. They tore the leather, they want to fix it.
FIX IT?? They want to send it back to the factory to reupholster the arm they tore??? Dye lots??
Two more months? Maybe it will match the couch? My mind is spinning, my hands are shaking, and I am getting
very pissed.