I can’t believe it’s been this long since I posted to this blog. Where has the time gone? In my own defense, life has been busier then normal.
Well…………lets see………… I had a back procedure done. They went in with needles and fried some nerves……….hoping it would stop some of the pissy back pain I have been having. It felt great for a week; it turned out to be just the steroids they filled me full of. After the roids wore off the old back was back to the way it was………….and actually more pissed off. Hmmm lesson learned………….leave it alone!
I went into Sacramento to see the gut doctor. No new news there……..more waiting and no progress. Urggghhh
My Dad is doing much better after a few rounds at the hospital. His heart is doing what it’s supposed to be doing now. I have discovered something, 81 is a very scary age for me.
I woke up last night was a cat foot on my mouth. Wrecks likes to sleep with me at night because I am very warm and he is not. He will work his way up in the bed until he is next to me and my arm is around him. hmmm
I was deep asleep, dreaming of a very pleasant encounter. In my dream I was being tenderly kissed by my hubby, it felt so nice, so warm and soft. It woke me up………..and I realized it was a warm cat foot. ICKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! Where has that foot been??? Oh ICKKKKKK I am too sleepy to get up and do what the ICK is encouraging me to do. So I go back to sleep and have dreams of scrubbing my teeth with bleach. Ha………..that will do it.
I have to add my newest creation, after all this was started to help me sell my goodies. This necklace is called “Cookies and Cream”. I have been having tons of fun making lentils and recently branched out making something different with them. I love the effect, do you?
