Has it really been over 6 weeks since I have posted to the blog? Good DOG......where has the time gone. I try to think about what has happened in these last weeks, I come up with a few different things that I have done but most is just the same old routine of everyday life.
I am still waiting for my surgery. And still no date scheduled. I have times when I wonder if it will ever happen and maybe this is fate telling me to reconsider. I hope not.......I believe the benefits out way the concern.
I spent a week plus with my sister in Citrus Heights. She had her surgery and needed a extra hand around the house. Most of her chores where the same ones I do here, so that part was easy. What I found to be the most difficult is her 4 legged kids. She has three very excitable and energetic dogs. They are a lot of fun, but are so damn busy. It made me really appreciate my silly sleepy beagle boy.
I am looking for a new hair do. My hair is way too long and is now a chore to take care of. The ends are dry and I am loosing way too many hairs each day. I suspect it just looks like I am loosing more then I should because of the length of each strand........at least..........I hope that is what it is. I just might have "The Man" take the scissors to it. Hmmmm.......sounds like a great idea......at least until I come up with a "Do" that I can live with.
20 minutes later.............

"The Man" was very happy to help me with my hair trimming. He actually was more eager then I thought he would be, I guess that should have been a sign. His only comment was.......it will grow back.

I unfortunately have not been making beads. It has been horribly hot or I have been sick or just pulled in another direction. I am hoping Saturday will be a good garage day. "The Man" wants to wash the car and I want to make beads. Sounds like it could be a fun morning of jamming to music and imagination.